Most true supporters will follow their club through thick and thin, there’s really no choice. You can’t pick up another team or another sport, you are either in or out.
There are also some who love it when they are doing well but will drop out as soon as its not. You see it on Facebook especially and then it’s looks even worse when the forums are full of it (Cas forum at this time) but some only want to be there for the good times and that’s their choice. It’s their money.
(Just to note half of the Cas forum detractors aren’t Cas fans, they are mainly wakey trolls and the odd fev and Leeds fans. You’ll see they disappear when their team is not doing so well.)
We needed a new owner and new investment and I hope that will come soon. People wanted Grattan out and he’s gone, they wanted players out, last year the S and C people out, now it’s Wilson. There’s always something when things don’t go out way.
I’m hoping Mr Jepson brings in the right people but I’m sure that’s not easy.
I’m hoping DM can get them pulling in the same direction but that will take time and it will mean some players go. This is a full time professional club, there can be no sentiment in a salary capped sport. We can’t carry players who don’t fancy it or want a holiday or don’t want to train so much. We have to breed a club that wants to be the best, whether that’s the playing staff, s ace c, marketing or wherever. Because the minimum we need to see is 100% effort. They may not be the best but must try to be.
We didn’t walk away during the 2 relegations, we embraced it and it made us stronger. Seeing that winning mentality was great and visiting the so called smaller clubs was fantastic. We were a big fish in a small pond and took plenty of fans all over. We don’t get to see these places often but we weren’t worse for it.
It might get worse before it gets better but I’m confident Mr Jepson will want success for his outlay. I’m confident DM wants success as head of coaching. I can support that.