Good post pirate!
Regardless of who the coach is and players are, they’ll get my support. It’s vital for the area that the club continues and with a regular 7.5k from a town of 40k shows it’s value.
Radford and last chose a chance of immediate success; which is Powells motto also and took him years to get it nearly right.
I like the talk of maguire and underpinning of defence as a key to success. The Club just need to give him time like Powell.
The right players will come, maybe they are already here but need time to bloom.
It’s still vitally important to keep a grade A position so we can build without fear like other clubs have done. Leeds never stopped playing the juniors as they’ll not be kicked out, like Wigan and saints. We can all see the teams they can put together because they have an array of home grown players.
If we can keep the average 7.5k and with the led boards extra, we should be fine but the new stand and amenities are vital for the club to become more sustainable rather than losing millions like Wigan, saints and Leeds. If the build starts at the end of 2026 we’ll be fine and then we can bring in ready made players without such a gamble as we do now.