I can fully understand the frustration and reluctance some Tigers fans are experiencing at the moment. For me, sport has always been a contest to see who is the better, both in a single engagement or over the course of a tournament/season of fixtures.
However, I do see the IMG ramifications as a potential positive that allows our chosen ‘champion’ to take some time to evaluate their chances and review their options. I wouldn’t expect them to complete this task with experiencing any pain.
You could claim that, due to other commitments, I’m lucky in that I am unable to attend the majority of our games but the fear of never being able to outweighs the short-term pain experienced through the TV. Due to my commitments, I’m often in the position of having to watch the recordings late night but this makes it no less of a painful exercise.
I’ll pop along for the odd home fixture and bring with me the excitement that a live game darn t’lane always has.
I dread to think how I’d feel is there was no Cas Tigers in my life, come what may.