The plans have been in since 2022 and anybody could have opposed it but to date all opposition has been removed barring the few people that live nearby which you’d expect (and it’s not all of them) and a few fans of opposing teams.
Certainly the ground should be rubber stamped and the Axiom site should also, the secretary of state hasn’t been calling in plans regularly for a few years, Newmarket wasn’t called in and it’s building(s) are seen over 10 miles away. They won’t want to stop councils allowing job creation and the extra rates coming in, when all councils are close to bankruptcy. If it is sent, there would have to be reasons that weren’t there when other local builders put theirs in. Like I said before, there are no endangered newts etc
The plans have been viewed by council planners who have invited each agency to view and make comment on what is needed, all have been answered satisfactorily and plans amended. Highways, the EA, Yorkshire water, the electric and so on don’t have teams scanning local planning and then make demands. They are sent the details by planning as are all interested parties.
This will make February a great occasion and hopefully allow Axiom to show their hand, pay over the money and begin the next process.