Axiom update!
Axiom Yorkshire can confirm that both planning applications for a major upgrade to the Wheldon Road stadium and a significant new employment development on the Axiom site, at Junction 32 on the M62, have taken a major step forward this week, following the recent decision by National Highways to lift its holding objection to the Axiom proposals and with Wakefield Council’s highways team also confirming that they have no objection.
Planning applications for both projects were submitted at the end of 2022 and have been going through the process of being rigorously assessed by Wakefield Council’s planning team. As these highways matters were the last major issues which needed agreement on the Axiom scheme, the planning applications could be decided in the coming weeks, with Wakefield Council’s confirmation of a planning committee date hoped for as soon as possible.
If planning is approved for both projects, the circa £200 million Axiom Yorkshire employment, logistics and manufacturing proposals will create over 2,200 jobs for local people and provide £12.2 million of funding towards major upgrades at Wheldon Road and £15 million of highways improvements to the Junction 32 roundabout.