tigerfeat2 I put a message on Casforum telling people about this place and the message was taken down ha ha fair enough Can I ask Matt is this place free to use before my messages were taken down someone had put it was 39.99 a year to be on here
Matt tigerfeat2 Can I ask Matt is this place free to use before my messages were taken down someone had put it was 39.99 a year to be on here No there's no charge! It's free and always will be. There's another site I operate which does have a subscription offering however that's still a very much work in progress and not related to this one.
Swagger Private message anyone you think we need on this site guys. We don't want all the old trouble causing bunch over here. Much better to have sensible conversations rather than slagging matches.
HuddsTigers The old forum isn’t letting me login, reset password or even contact them. Complete mess. Never mind. Least we have this forum.
Hirsty Maturecasfan Same here... although Chrome seemed much more flexible than Safari did. I like the clean lines here. Also, there seems to be no sniping at each other over trivial rubbish... which is nice.
Jackknife Make the most of it because the trolls will find out about the site before long and they will return 😂
Hirsty Yeah - would be a shame for this to become a victim of such... @Matt - what are your moderation/staff plans? Do you have enough cover to cater for a potential influx of 'challenging' topics and posts?
Matt Hirsty There's things in place to help manage problem users if they appear which wasn't as easy on the other site.
Shameless Afternoon all. Good luck with this site Matt - didnt realise you weren't running the old one until I got the PM.
tigerfeat2 Hope fans from other teams eventually come on here it's nice to have different views and not everybody singing from the same hymn sheet
Matt Jackknife I cant get on other site at all now, my login details aren't working. Same, can't login. Guessing something has broken again... Had that site running for 17 years with hardly any downtime at all. It's not exactly a complicated setup either (or wasn't).